Planted in the Best Soil
It's funny how in the Disney movie Bambi, the skunk's name was Flower. What irony for a skunk, an animal who could stink up a road for...
What's Your Next Step?
Change is hard. For some people it is easy as cake. They love change. But for others of us (yes, I said "us") change is down right...
To Know the Story is to Love the Victory.
I can't help but get all Easter-y today. I mean, who can't help but be reminded on the day the modern world remembers the day Jesus died...
I Can't Pee Standing Up: Inadequacy Doesn't Failure
I'm not trying to pull a Nora Ephron but, truth is, I am a single parent. Now you are probably rolling your eyes and saying to yourself,...
A Passionate Purpose
This year I am celebrating turning another year in age with having lunch with friends. I don't know about anyone else but since I was a...
Politics & You
As many of you know, yesterday was Super Tuesday. What is Super Tuesday? Super Tuesday is the big day in politics where many states hold...
Why You Have a Hard Time Hating Beyonce
I'm going to tell you right now-this post is not a super deep philisophical argument about Beyonce Knowles-Carter's Superbowl L...
Open Doors
What is the point of having open doors if you don’t walk through them? I mean, we pray for doors to open but when the door does open in...